Saturday, February 11, 2012

One Hour Disconnected

                               One Hour Disconnected 

Hey! Good evening guys.  Well yesterday I posted my third post and I was talking about how I am always connected to electronic devices, specially the computer. I am always online talking to my family and friends, posting new picture, listening to music, reading the news.. you name it. Well my English professor gave us an assignment, which we had to disconnect ourselves from any electronic device. This included microwaves, lights, radio, T.V,  cellphones, and of course my dear computer. I have to admit it was a toughy. I started by shutting down my computer and turning all the lights from my home. Of course it was in the day time; I wasn't going to deal with the boogie man coming out of the dark or something.. ha!ha!ha!  Yeah!! Like I mentioned before I am kind of afraid of the dark.. but shh!! don't tell anyone.  Anyways, I turned all lights then started a timer for an hour. As I sat down on my dinning room chairs I asked myself... An hour with out my computer, what should I do?  I looked around briefly around my house and found a book that I'v been tending to finish called "The Help" and started  reading chapter 4, which has 8 pages, and as I  finished chapter 4 I look at the timer and saw that it had only taken me 15 minutes to read it. Yeah I am a slow reader! But that isn't the point. The point is I had 45 minutes without any electronic devices. It is very hard when ever it's becomes a routine to check your phone every 5 to 10 minutes to see if you have any missed calls or text messages. So I refused to look at my phone because I wanted to complete this assignment without failing. I am looking around my apartment and noticed that my rabbit, which I will introduce soon, wanted attention. I let him out of his cage and he ran around the house for a little bit. Sometimes when he gets too exited he starts chewing on the furniture so I have to put him back in his cage. I had  25 minutes left and sat down again in my dinning room table and said to myself. "My apartment is too quiet, I need some kind of noise or music". Obviously I couldn't turn my radio on or put iTunes on so I started singing. To be more specific I started signing an Adele song that I totally love called " I set fire to the rain". I also had my Human Anatomys book and I decided to finish up homework while I sang. That's how I finished up my hour of NO electronic devices. It was hard, BUT it can be done. Then after the hour was over with I went running to check my missed calls. xD I have to say it was challenging, but an hour without electronic devices wont make me crazy. 

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