Thursday, May 10, 2012


  • ·         Loud Voice
  • ·         Whispering
  • ·         Heavy footsteps

  • ·         Freezing leather love seat
  • ·         Tight sandal straps

  • ·         Burning cigarettes

  • ·         Refreshing cold water
  • ·         Minty gum

  • ·         Sluggish movements
  • ·         Colorful bright book bag
  • ·         Hardcover books
  • ·         Messy table
  • ·         Narrow hallways

Sitting on a freezing leather chair I see students sluggishly walking across a narrow hallway. I can also here the heavy footsteps as students bounce up and down the staircase. From where I am sitting, I can see students sitting on a plastic hard chair and they have their hardcover books scattered all around the messy table.  As I walk to a near water fountain I feel my sandal straps a bit too tight so I bend down to lose them a little. I hurry across the hall to the water fountain and take a small sip of its cold and refreshing water.  I noticed a petite long blonde hair girl with a huge colorful backpack rushing to her class. I assumed she was a bit late by the way she was power-walking and rushing through to get to her classroom.  As she passed by me a wind of burnt cigarettes filled the air and made me kind of nauseous, so I popped a minty gum to relax my taste and smell. 

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