Friday, February 10, 2012

How are you connected?

                                                     How are you connected?

  I am connected in many ways. My favorite way of being connected is the famous FACEBOOK. I am sure many of you can relate to that. There are also many others.. There's my iPhone, television, internet, and other electronic devices. In this generation it's hard to live without an electronic device. I for example, I choose Facebook of being my number one source of communication because it makes it easier for me to keep in contact with my family and friends. Now... Imagine that one day every electronic device in your home shuts down an hour. What would you do? My English professor gave the class an assignment for this weekend and we have to disconnect ourselves  from any electronic device in our home for an hour. Including microwaves, toasters, lamps ...anything that electronically is connected to the world. Well it's a Friday night and I don't plan to do this until tomorrow during the day. Obviously because I don't plan on burning candles for an hour, plus I am afraid of the dark.. Ha! ha! ha! But that's another story.  I'll give you a follow up on how it went. Good Night! 

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