Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm sure everybody has a best friend.. Meet mine!

                                 Best Friend

She has held my hand through difficult times and she has loved me unconditionally.  She has giving me hope when ever I felt there was none. She has always been there for me. She makes me laugh and when I am blue she wipes my tears away.  This women has always stood by my side no matter what. This person is the most loyal, honest, strong willed,  and brave person I know. She is also caring, and thoughtful, loving and extremely devoted to us.   This women has given me the most precious gift a women can give to another, life.  She  is my beloved mother.  I love her so much and I would do anything for her.  She has been my friend but yet she told me what was best.  I can't thank her enough for all she has done, for me and for many others.  My mother as we say in Puerto Rico, Mami!! I can't imagine my world without you. I will always have you in my heart where ever I go. It doesn't matter that I am thousands of miles away, you are always with me. I love you Mami!!  I hope I get to see you again this summer!!  

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