Thursday, May 10, 2012


I believe:
I believe in God.
I believe in angels.
I believe in myself.
I believe in true love.
I believe every girl has a bad hair day.
I believe that elephants give good luck.
I believe I am not meant for the cold weather.
I believe we should get paid more in our part time jobs.
I believe very body should eat breakfast every morning.
I believe that if I didn’t set my alarm today I would probably be sleeping.
I believe that putting cubes of shedder or Gouda cheese in your hot chocolate taste good.
I believe my sister is having a good time today because it’s her birthday.
I believe I will grow old and be proud of what I have become.
I believe there should be better food in the cafeteria.
I believe I can swim for 20 min without stopping.
I believe that in February it shouldn’t snow.
I believe that time can cure every wound.
I believe my family has been blessed.
I believe in the education system.
I believe I can reach the limit.
I believe in fairytales.
I believe in science.
I believe in gravity.
I believe in UFO.
I believe in YOU.
I believe...

I believe that if I had not set my alarm yesterday night, I would’ve probably stayed sleeping in.  I slept all day yesterday and at night I stood wide awake. I stayed all night doing homework and listening to music. I tried to see the Grammys online but failed miserably, because the connection was to slow. I talked with some of my friends over the phone and took some time to play and give attention to my bunny Godiva.  I was trying to make myself tired but again failed miserably. I tried everything, jumping jacks didn’t work, watching YouTube videos didn’t work, even doing my homework didn’t work.  I finally went to sleep around 3:30am and around 5:45 my alarm clock went off. I knew that today was going to be a great day. NOT! The air was chilly and the streets of Springfield were covered in snow. I stared at my bed for a couple of minutes as it was pulling me towards it. I really wanted to go back to sleep, but at that precise moment, that I was laying my head again on the pillow, my alarm clock went off for the second time. I jumped startled and tried to calm my rapid heartbeat as I climbed out of my sheets.  By then I had decided to pursue my daily routine and go to school. 

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